What is a Family Dog Mediator?

Have you tried different trainers or methods without lasting results?

You’re not the only guardian who has cycled through several trainers, feeling like no matter how much information you receive, the results just do not match.

This isn’t a you thing.

This is a dog training industry thing.

Traditional “dog training” can overlook the full picture and miss the clarity and relief you and your dog need. It’s not just about “carrot or stick,” compliance, conditioning, or control. Instead, it’s about understanding and meeting your dog where they are, acknowledging their unique combination of L.E.G.S.—Learning, Environment, Genetics, and Self.

Just like any other creature, dogs are complex beings whose behavior reflects a blend of Nature and Nurture. It’s not about a single factor, like their genetics or how they’re raised. Their behavior is the result of a dynamic interplay between these influences, adapted over time for life in specific environments. However, captivity and selective breeding have disrupted these natural checks and balances, which is often why “behavior problems” arise in modern pet dogs.

So how can you support your dog?

Start by getting the right information to understand what’s truly going on with them.

From there, a Licensed Family Dog Mediator will dive in deep with you, leaving no stone unturned and developing a unique behavior care plan that goes beyond sit-stays.

Your dog is not broken, and you are NOT a failure.